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Z@Z: Cracking the Gen Z
happiness code

Gen Z believes in breaking cycles of adversity with hope, using the power of technology to create a more equitable and empathetic world. Want to understand how?


Discover the Gen Z Happiness code that we at RPG have cracked.

Voices of Zensar’s Gen Z


Our culture is fueled by innovation.


It's a place where every voice is heard and valued.


Employee well-being is at the heart of everything.

Insights into Gen Z’s beliefs


Gen Z champions authenticity, diversity, and climate action, all while navigating a rapidly evolving tech landscape. Their sense of purpose comes from staying true to themselves and shaping a world that celebrates individuality and inclusivity.


Gen Z believes that happiness isn’t something you stumble upon — it’s a skill you cultivate. For them, family takes priority, followed by mental health, setting boundaries, and a purposeful career.


Gen Z views work not as worship but as a path to independence, stability, and the resources needed to pursue their passions and create a life of fulfillment.

Gen Z feels that companies often only scratch the surface, offering the bare minimum. An ideal workplace supports employees in leading a truly fulfilling life.

How Gen Z sees the path forward

autonomy – “I”
Exploring and being their truest self 
Creating meaningful
connections – “us”
Acceptance of their truest self by their family, peers, and society
Nurturing a conscious
community – “all”
Prioritizing environmental consciousness and social impact
Gen Z want it all and are ready to give their best — for the right employer. Here are nine ways to shape your workplace so that it speaks to Gen Z.

Shaping our workplace for Gen Z’s future

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