Zensar Sets up R and D Centre in Pune, Plans One in US
News | 8 Jun 2017
RPG Group's IT firm Zensar Technologies has set up Zenlabs, a dedicated R and D space at its campus in Pune.Sandeep Kishore, CEO, Zensar Technologies, told ET that this is part of the com¬pany's aim to invest in the future. "Through Zenlabs, we will invest in platforms and technologies which we expect will be ma-instream over a period of three-five years. This is the future of innovation for the company," he said. Zenlabs will work on five core areas:
- Machine learning
- Artificial intelligence
- Internet of Things
- Enterprise class voice-based systems and
- Fintech (blockchain, etc).
Kishore said about nine months ago, the overall customer feedback he got was that while they were happy with the project delivery, he got the sense that they were also loo¬king at the company to bring in new ideas on technology and plat¬forms. "This was the trig¬ger where we decided to in¬vest in Zenlabs."The decision to create a physical, and not a virtual lab, was a very conscious decision," he said. Zensar will set up a similar facility in the US, but that would happen only in the next fiscal.The team currently comprises 20 people, half of whom are fresh hires and the half from Zensar. "The whole purpose is to invent, innovate and be relevant so everyone working here has to have some sort of a research background,"he said. Zenlabs would function as an independent research hub, as well as a co-creation space for clients If any of the customers were interested in the focus areas at Zenlabs, they could work together with the team on specific offerings.