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We continuously engage with our employees, shareowners, and clients to ensure that we employ best practices at the management level. We consistently update or enact new corporate governance policies or disclosure to enhance transparency and accountability. As a technology services company, we believe we are the custodian of clients' and other stakeholders' information assets. Hence, it is our primary concern to ensure an efficient data-security program. We continue to develop comprehensive guidelines and policies to implement and promote sustainability across our value chain.
  • Governance banner

Our goals

Goal 1:

Assess all suppliers based on a sustainable procurement criterion by FY 2030

Our framework for sustainable procurement is in development. We assess and address labor rights risks across our supply chains through our responsible sourcing program to strengthen our human rights efforts. The road ahead for us involves designing a supplier Code of Conduct, a suppliers' assessment framework, a plan (including selected ESG criteria), and providing feedback to suppliers for continuous improvement.

Our commitments

Achieve 100 percent Code of Conduct training for employees

To foster a culture of ethics and compliance, we disseminate information and best practices to our employees and promote mandatory compliance and training. All our employees and governance body members are trained on the Code of Conduct and Ethics, which includes training modules that employees are required to take every year to renew their commitment. Our compliance training is continually reviewed and updated as necessary.

Maintain a fair and transparent whistleblower process

We are committed to the conduct of affairs fairly and transparently by adopting best practices with the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and ethics. To ensure adherence to these tenets, we have adopted a transparent whistleblower process, which lays down the principles and standards that should govern our actions and our directors and employees.

Ensure absolute commitment to data privacy compliance

We live in a time of unprecedented regulatory change and growth, with stringent data privacy regulations evolving rapidly worldwide. Data privacy is of utmost importance to our operations and services. Aligning with our goal of commitment to data privacy compliance, we undertake impact assessment and ensure corrective actions before releasing new and redefined processes. Additionally, all employees must undergo annual data privacy and cybersecurity awareness training.

Our key initiatives

  • Sustainable procurement processes

    Working toward an all-inclusive supplier classification process

    Sustainable procurement processes
  • Data security compliance

    Including sustainability in our practices and decision-making


Our experience

Discover the stories that show how we’re transforming businesses through our expertise, digital transformation, and much more.